Slice of Life- 19/31- An Open Letter To My College Kids

Dear Abby and Sam,

As this spring break winds to a close, I just wanted to let you know how much I love who you two have become.  So I am penning this letter to you both.

Thank you for choosing to spend your week away from your studies with your family.                                                                                                                                            I know that the lure of unchaperoned sunny beaches or icy slopes could have drawn you elsewhere this week.  The fact that you chose instead to enjoy this time in the quiet of a forest, thinking alone by the lake, and sharing yourselves with your family reminds me of your priorities.  I know that even if you might rather be in those other places, you came home without complaint.

Thank you for listening to me talk!                                                                                        I know you probably get sick of me sneaking into your bedroom for  one last chat before I have to go to bed. Abby, I so treasure our late-night conversations, when we can giggle about stories I missed while you were away.  Sam, I know you are probably sick of my “advice”, but you just smile and let me spout off what I think is essential for your future.

Thank you for being there for the people who need you.                                                 I know you are both thoughtful young people, but knowing when others need you and responding is not something particularly evident these days.  Whether it is a grieving long-time friend or an ailing relative, you both made it a priority to make sure these people knew they were a priority to you.  These unprompted actions are a testament to your selfishless natures.

Thanks for making me laugh!                                                                                                  I know I sometimes roll my eyes when you two engage in your silly-fests.  But I really do love hearing your puns and wry wit.  Sometimes I catch myself wondering, “Where did THAT comment come from?”  I am guaranteed lots of laughter at you guys and at myself, since I am often the brunt of your jokes- especially on Mock Mom days.

The only good thing about the end of spring break is knowing I am one week closer to getting to spend summer with you!  I can’t wait!

6 thoughts on “Slice of Life- 19/31- An Open Letter To My College Kids

  1. Wow! You are a rockstar mom. I can only imagine how proud you must be of your two college age kids. My bonus son came home for the weekend, and reading your post makes me wish we had spent more time together. Thanks for sharing this vulnerable, inspiring letter with this writing community.


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