Everyone Begins Work for the Day- SOLC- 10/31

Everyone begins their work for the day.

Buzzing. Wailing. A machine warning of moments passing, tasked with preparing my schedule for the day.

Plopping. Hissing.  A machine  magically transforming potent grounds into bitter energy, tasked with preparing my coffee for the day

Jostling. tossing.  A machine every other second producing a louder metal bang as zippers and buttons hurl against the sides,  tasked with preparing my clothes for the day.


Exposing. Convincing.  A machine disseminating previous events and predicting others, tasked with preparing my thoughts for the day.

Connecting, Learning.  Minds enjoying the last hours of community before a week at home, tasked with preparing my heart for vacation.


4 thoughts on “Everyone Begins Work for the Day- SOLC- 10/31

  1. You have used an array of literary devices to examine the notion of sounds and they have served you well. The use of repetition and onomatopoeia give your words a presence in the reader’s mind. Thank you for sharing your morning sounds. An interesting insight on your day.


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